
Moi Girls High School  Moi Girls High School, Eldoret (called Highlands School until 1978)

Duke of York Old Boys           Duke of York Old Boys

Prince of Wales        Prince of Wales School Old Boys Association

Hill School EldoretHill School Eldoret, Old Boys and Girls

Hill School List David Lichtenstein has a mailing list of former staff and students.

Hill School, Eldoret (Kenya) – Primary & Secondary School – Facebook website with current school information and info on former students

St Andrew’s School, Turi.  

Malcolm McCrow’s site – many pictures of Kenya and East Africa as it was in the 1950s and 1960s .

Gordon Mumford’s Kenya Korner website:

East Africa Reunions in Sydney, Australia organised by David Lichtenstein –



Daily Nation (Kenya newspaper),

Daily Monitor (Uganda newspaper),

The Observer (Uganda newspaper),