Is anyone in contact with any of the following? Please contact the membership secretary with details.
Name: Sought by:
Philippa Creasey Nicola Huntingford
Sandra Purves Biddy Doughty
Rosalind Sutherland-Smith Biddy Doughty
Annie van der Westhuysen Avis Potgeiter
Others we have lost touch with – are you in touch with them?
Sarah Crooks
Shirley & Wendy Drury
Dilys Evans Jones
Guiletta Galli
Pam Glover
Christine Hextall
Carol Sinclair
Margaret Sanderson
Anita Watson
The following were sent a December 2008 newsletter but it was returned undelivered; do you know where any of these are?
Rachel Hindley
Morag McGregor
Janet Madderson
Iris Ruysenaars
Are you trying to track down an Old Girl from the Highlands Eldoret? Let us know and we’ll add them to this list.